5 Harsh Truths Seasoned Newborn Photographers Wish They Knew Before Their First Session

You’ve got the camera. You’re getting really good at taking beautiful photos and maybe even started getting paid sessions. You see the adorable photos of tiny babies sleeping soundly in the CUTEST poses and think, “how hard could it be?” Newborns can’t walk or talk, and they sleep a lot. So, it’s easy to assume that newborn photography is a piece of cake. However, seasoned newborn photographers will agree that newborn photography is not for the faint of heart. Here are five harsh truths you need to accept before diving into your first session:

1. Safety First, Always

A newborn baby sleeps peacefully on a dark aqua backdrop during his newborn photography session

Newborns are delicate. They can’t hold up their own head or regulate their own body temperature and they have an underdeveloped immune system. So even if you were simply going to visit a loved one and their new baby, you already have to take many safety precautions. Throw wrapping, posing, lighting, stabilizing and photographing them with props into the mix and now you’ve really got a lot to be aware of. Those adorable poses you see online are often the result of composite images or the helping hand of a parent or spotter. Before attempting a newborn session, educate yourself extensively in newborn safety and newborn photography safety. Never put a newborn in a compromising position for the sake of a photo. Always prioritize the safety and well-being of the baby above all else.

2. Patience is Key

While newborn photography may seem like a breeze, the reality is far from it. Newborns have their own schedule, and it often involves frequent feedings, diaper changes, and comforting. Be prepared to exercise extreme patience as you wait for the perfect moment to capture that precious shot.

3. Expect the Unexpected

A newborn baby sleeps on a prop bed during her newborn photography session

When I’m prepping for a newborn session, I plan every detail from the wraps to the props to the poses I’m going to use. I have a workflow with specific steps. But, inevitably, my plan gets derailed. However, it doesn’t stop the session from going smoothly because I don’t expect my plan to go perfectly and I’m ready to improvise when necessary. Newborns are notorious for their unpredictability. They may have a fussy day, be extra gassy (or even…ahem… go to the bathroom on your set or on you!) or have a sudden growth spurt that throws off your planned poses. Flexibility is key in newborn photography, so be prepared to adapt to the baby's needs and moods during the session.

4. It's Not Just About Photography

Newborns are not mindless blobs. They need to feel safe and comfortable before they’ll sleep soundly enough for you to pose them. And that may take quite a bit of work depending on the baby. And don’t forget the exhausted parents (especially mom who is probably still recovering!). You are there to support them as well. While your main focus may be capturing stunning images, newborn photography sessions often involve soothing fussy babies, assisting tired parents, and cleaning up unexpected messes. Be prepared to wear multiple hats during a session and provide a helping hand wherever needed.

5. Post-Processing is Time-Consuming

The work doesn't end once the session is over. Post-processing, including editing and retouching, can take up a significant amount of time for each image. You may assume that since newborns are, well, new, they must have perfect skin. The truth is, they usually don’t. Newborns can be blotchy, jaundiced, have acne and their extremities can be a bit blue or purple while other parts are red or pink. Also remember that if mom is in the pictures, it’s your job to make her look her best during a time when she is probably far from feeling her best. Be prepared to invest time into perfecting each photo to ensure it meets your high standards and the expectations of your clients.

While newborn photography is undoubtedly a magical and rewarding field, it comes with its own set of challenges. By being aware of these realities and preparing yourself accordingly, you can navigate your first newborn photography sessions with confidence and skill. Remember, each session is a learning experience that will only help you grow as a photographer and artist.


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