How to Prepare for Your Maternity Photography Session
If you’re planning to get professional maternity portraits, you know that this amazing, joyous, and, at times, terrifying and painful journey is one you want to celebrate now and memorialize forever. Perhaps you have a vision of how you want your session to go, how you want it to look. It’s great to have high expectations (and you should!) but it can also be stressful to worry about it not turning out the way you’ve always dreamed. These are my best recommendations to help you get stunning maternity portraits that you’re excited to hang on your walls.

6 Relatable Reasons Why You Avoid Family Photos
So, you want family photos, but you don’t want to get family photos. There’s a ton of mental load and planning that goes into it. So, in the end you just…don’t… And I don’t blame you. You’re not the only one who doesn’t want (or have the time) to go through the headache of planning. But you don’t have to do this alone. Read on to see how I can help you with the pain points of getting professional family photos.

5 Harsh Truths Seasoned Newborn Photographers Wish They Knew Before Their First Session
You’ve got the camera; you’re getting really good at taking beautiful photos and maybe even started getting paid sessions. You see the adorable photos of tiny babies sleeping soundly in the CUTEST poses and think, “how hard could it be?”